Waddle We Do in 2025?
Hi Penguins!
We're back from our holiday break, and we haven't been slacking! We've been busy planning out the whole year to make sure its the biggest and best yet. Here's the first (of many) update posts for 2025!
Stamps have been added for Puffle Roundup! You either love or hate the game, so be prepared to polish your rounding-up skills and collect all of the stamps. Alongside the stamps, there have also been changes to the gameplay itself which can be found in the changelog below.
Island Expansion Quests
Our first in a new line of quests labelled 'Island Expansion Quests' is on the way. These quests will allow be rolled out to unlock new & old areas, starting with the Underwater Kingdom!
"The idea behind these new Island Expansion Quests is to give new players a greater sense of exploration when they first join the game and provide more of an open-world sensibility, like there's always something new around the corner while also introducing them to features and systems in a natural way, without it feeling like a chore or a need for instructional guides." - iContinux
This quest will be available starting on February 3rd for all players who have completed the 3 tutorial quests. Rory will visit the Coffee Shop randomly within two weeks of you completing those, so don't worry if he's not there for you straight away! Once he's shown up, you'll he'll stay there until you've completed the quest.
What's Next?
Our first party of the year will be the Future Party. Here is a brief synopsis from Gary the Gadget Guy:
"Eureka! I'm on the verge of something incredible. I’ve been refining this experiment for 3 years, and at long last, I know how to power it - with the Ultimate Protobot 10000’s AI core!"
I wonder what Gary has been planning? Explore the year 4025, meet a brand new character from the EPF Defense Core & defeat Ultimate Protobot 10000 once and for all starting February 22nd.
After the future party wraps up, we'll be giving a full party slate for the year so everybody knows what's coming!
Clothing & Furniture
Clothing Catalogs! Furniture Catalogs! As you've already seen, Part 1 of the Clothing Catalog is out now, Part 2 with Futuristic themed clothing will be coming on February 10th alongside the Igloo & Furniture catalog.
Now, as we all know this year is New Club Penguins 5th anniversary. However, it is also the 20th anniversary of Club Penguin itself, and we are happy to say we will be celebrating both this year including numerous updates to make this the biggest and best year in our history. We really hope you enjoy what we have planned.
Puffle Roundup:
- After 5 levels, puffles start to move on their own with a random chance at running away making them harder to catch.
- Puffle Sets have been redone, including a new rare one pertaining to the 'Gold Rush' stamp
Card-Jitsu Fire:
We've been collecting data on CJFire issues for a while and are beginning to roll out fixes related to 3/4 player battles, please continue to report new issues in the #card-jitsu-fire-bugs channel in the discord.
NCP-32/35/51: Players unable to select tiles after inactivity move
NCP-34: Remove players that haven't communicated with the server for 20 seconds
NCP-38: Incorrect card elements displayed
- The Puffle Hotel Spa has received its graphical update
- Pet Shop tube puffles now correctly follow all tubes
- Pet Shop performance improvements
- Wild Center navigation improvements
- Removed a ghost hover from the Pizza Parlor
- Text on Rainbow Puffle Adoption Cert has been fixed
- Removed all legacy membership icons from Puffle Adoption related UI
- Adjusted color of Teal Puffle adoption log
New Developers
We'll now be having a short introduction from one of our new team members!
First I spoke with FanAgent (Fan) and asked him to introduce himself:
"I’ve been a software developer for a few years but only recently have begun to use my interest in coding in a professional environment. My passion mainly comes from my amazement of computers and what they are capable of. Getting a computer to complete what normally could take years, or maybe be impossible to do otherwise, in sometimes a few minutes, or just to automate a really boring task, is what really got me interested in coding.
My love for Club Penguin goes pretty deep, going back to when I was at least 10, and now being an adult, having the opportunity to contribute to a project like NCP that keeps that part of our childhood alive is an amazing honor. I’ve already seen amazing things come out of this community from both the players and staff and I hope I can help provide a great experience for everyone who enjoys the game.
Some other interesting things about me, I love playing (and modifying) video game consoles. It’s a lot of fun getting a console to run custom apps and manipulate gameplay (but never online. I’d never ruin a game for others). I’m also a pretty big fan of the Lilo & Stitch franchise. In fact, probably one of the bigger coding projects I’ve done was developing a Discord bot for a certain group of fans out there"
That's awesome! Can you tell us a bit about your role on the team?
"My main role working on the team is maintaining the backend code and keeping things running smoothly server-side. My work so far has been on fixing bugs in Card-Jitsu Fire (which given the separate channel in the Discord server I can see has been a big pain for a lot of people here) so hopefully with those new fixes we've rolled out the game is closer to being enjoyable for everyone! I hope I can help keep NCP fun for everyone and help make big things happen whether it’s working on something new or improving something that already exists.
Working on a project like this is pretty big for me and I’m excited to be working with its staff and players to continue bringing joy to everyone looking to talk, play games, enjoy parties, and have fun on a classic game like this."
Well that's awesome! That is all for the first update post of the year, look forward to all of the upcoming changes and the party this month. Igloo Spotlight will also be announced on Sunday. As always be sure to join our Discord Server so you don't miss any future updates.
Waddle On!